4 Questions Not to Ask During a Job Interview

At the end of almost every job interview, the employer will ask you, “do you have any questions for me?” As trivial as it may seem, the questions you ask a potential employer can make or break your chances of getting the job. An employer can tell by the types of questions you ask, what you care about most, how much you’ve researched about the company and your interest in the position. Here are a few questions you should avoid asking:

What does your company do?
If you’re in an employer’s office on an interview and you ask this question, get it together! A crucial part of interview prep should be researching the company and what they do. Asking this question will show you’re unprepared and could care less about the work your employer does.

What are the benefits? What’s the salary?
Save these types of questions until you’re in the negotiating stages of the hiring process and you know the employer wants to give you an offer. This should not be the number one priority in your first interview, or it can appear as if that’s all you care about in your next position.

How long before I could be promoted?
Asking this question in your first interview can give the impression that you’re already unsatisfied with the position you’re interviewing for. The interviewer could view this as you being restless and only worried about moving up within the company and not gaining the proper experience first.

Did I get the job? When will you make your decision?
Even if you feel like you are the top candidate, asking this question can come off as desperate. Also, asking the interviewer when they will decide is a hard question to answer with so many steps involved in the hiring process today. Instead of asking if you got the job, ask about next steps and the process in general.

Make sure the questions you ask in your first interview portray your work ethic and interest in the position and company and not peripheral issues that can be discussed later on.

Ready to put your  interview skills to the test? Check out our current job openings in marketing, creative and interactive!

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