5 Things You Should Never Do at Work

The workplace can be a tricky landscape to navigate. What can you say? What can’t you say? What’s appropriate? What’s not? Even if you’re 15 years into your career, each company has their own culture with very different rules and etiquette. Some allow pets and some don’t.  Perhaps you work in a casual atmosphere where pretty much anything goes or a strict corporate culture, in either case, there are still several things you should never do at work:

1. Lie
Sure there are times when you might feel like lying to a client or co-worker will make the situation easier, but being seen as an honest person is more important for your professional reputation. Even if you haven’t completed something, did something wrong, etc, be honest. Your managers and co-workers will appreciate you more for telling the truth than lying and deceiving them.

2.  Burn bridges
Maybe you can’t stand your manager or you dislike the work you’re doing, whatever the case may be, don’t ever burn a bridge! We hear this all the time in the business world because it’s very valuable advice. You never know when you may need help, assistance, or a reference from a past colleague. Treat everyone with respect, not just managers, you never know how the relationship could benefit you in the future.

3. React while upset
Work can get intense, especially at a high pressure job. It is a good idea to learn how to handle your emotions in the workplace before a situation arises. There may be times that a project falls through, you lose a customer or there’s a disagreement but showing your emotions through rage or anger will only create a bad reputation for you in the workplace.

4. Blame
There are certainly going to be times in your professional career when something goes wrong and it’s not your fault at all. It’s easy to want to blame your co-worker or employees but whenever possible, accept responsibility that you had a part in the matter even if the direct issue was not your fault and focus on resolving the issue. When you throw someone under the bus it doesn’t solve the problem it only negatively impacts relationships.

5. Complain
Everyone gets frustrated at work once in awhile and there are times when you’ll be unhappy but don’t spread those emotions around the office. No one wants a negative co-worker that stresses everyone else out. Try to focus on the things you can control and stay positive.

Got these 5 faux-pas covered? Apply to one of our current job openings in marketing, creative and IT today!


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