Breaking Down the Buzz on AI In The Workplace

These days, it seems everyone is buzzing about Artificial Intelligence. From LinkedIn posts to workplace conversations and networking events, AI has taken the professional world by storm, sweeping the industry with never-before-seen growth on platforms like ChatGPT.

For Marketing, Creative, and Digital professionals, this raises a stream of questions – How will AI impact our work? How can we adapt to this new normal? Where can we go to keep up with the rapidly changing AI developments?

You asked, and we’re answering. To guide you through the twists and turns of AI in the workplace, we teamed up with our very own AI extraordinaires, John Arnold, Jamie Duong, and Sarah Morgan, to break down what all professionals should know about AI.

What Even Is AI?

This is the golden question! While there are many different applications and interpretations of AI, the bottom line is: AI is a machine that can learn, make decisions, and take action.

Present in everything from web applications to household appliances, AI has impacted our lives for years, even if we haven’t noticed it (the Siri software on your phone is a prime example!).

So, what is AI useful for in the Marketing, Creative, and Digital fields? Let’s dive into it!

AI is…

  • A conversational tool
  • A resource for non-copyrighted material, like content outlines, brainstorms, and topic suggestions
  • A research method to learn about potential audience pain points, interests, and hopes
  • A starting point to find content gaps within materials you produce

AI is not…

  • A search engine
  • Mistake proof
  • Designed to create copyrighted material, such as blog posts, social media content, or other audience-engaging materials
  • A human writer (At the end of the day, a robot will write like a robot!)

As you can see, while AI has many great (and some not so great) applications, exploring the endless possibilities of the technology can lead to new norms for folks in the marketing field.

AI’s Impact on Marketing, Creative, and Digital Professionals

We’ve covered the ins and outs of AI; now, let’s explore the realities that AI may pose for Marketing, Creative, and Digital professionals. Our Senior Marketing Manager, Jamie, is shedding some light on 2 of our most frequently asked questions from today’s AI market.

Will AI replace my job?

While we always prefer to remain optimistic, the honest truth is that there will be organizations that choose to utilize AI over employee talent. However, we also know that the companies pioneering this strategy may not have seen the success they expected, likely due to the lack of emotional intelligence and thorough editing that AI outputs require.

“More often, I hear of leaders and hiring managers being very interested in speaking with or hiring candidates that understand or have experience with using AI,” Jamie adds, giving hope to the positive changes that may accompany the influx of AI resources. 

Change is inevitable, and AI is no different – so be sure to stay vigilant, cautious, and optimistic while exploring this new way of reaching and engaging with audiences.

Will AI impact my job?

In most cases, the answer is yes – AI will (and likely already has) impact your job in some way or another. However, these impacts may not be in the ways that you expect.

In essence, as organizations adjust to a new digital normal, we expect Marketing, Creative, and Digital professionals to face changing responsibilities, learning outcomes, and ways of completing tasks. This is expected with any new technology or trending topic. 

As Jamie explains, a few core areas of change for both leaders and individual contributors may include the following:

  • Marketing strategies could experience a shift to account for the changing AI landscape
  • Some roles may see new core responsibilities that align with AI initiatives
  • Content plan adjustments may need to be made to stay competitive
  • Marketers may be expected to bring AI expertise to their teams

We will continue seeing a few changes to the Marketing world as we know it, but they are not inherently negative and could even bring new opportunities for professionals in the field.

Leading in an AI World

Facing the front lines of unknowns and altering team expectations, leading in an AI environment poses its own set of challenges and opportunities. 

While many of the extensive possibilities of AI are still yet to be discovered, our Managing Partner, John, recently sat down for a LinkedIn Live deep-dive to share the following insights for business leaders navigating the new realities of AI today. 

  • ⅔ of US adults say they would not want to apply for a job if artificial intelligence was used in the hiring process.
  • The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has released guidance on using AI in the hiring process, finding that employers may be responsible for disparate impacts.
  • Many companies are taking a step back to ensure AI resources are used in a compliant, efficient manner.
  • Protecting your copyright is of the utmost importance, and anything that you want to copyright should be created without AI assistance.

Ultimately, this is a new learning curve for all business leaders and employers, so be sure to take things one day at a time, seek professional council when needed, and research the potentials of AI so that you can protect yourself, your team, and your organization as a whole.

Using AI to Level Up Your Job Search

Moving beyond the individual contributor level, the impacts of AI can also have important implications for job seekers. 

While nearly 9.82 million US job seekers were competing for openings in May, it’s likely that job seekers of all fields know all too well how daunting it can be to prepare the seemingly never ending list of application materials.

From resumes to portfolios and LinkedIn profiles, AI advances provide one glimmering outcome for you: AI can be a great tool to optimize your job search and take your application to the next level.

As highlighted by our Senior Recruiter, Sarah, you may want to use AI to assist with…

  • Resume preparation. From formatting assistance to perfecting your language and tone, ChatGPT (and other similar resources) showcase a stellar starting point for resumes.
  • Keyword identification. Platforms like Teal or Jobscan can help break down your resume from the viewpoint of an ATS system, based on keywords and core experiences. 
  • Audience captivation. Hiring managers have tens, if not hundreds, of resumes to sift through for each open role. Utilizing AI can help craft your career story and compel your audience.
  • Application optimization. Sources like ChatGPT can compare and contrast your resume with job descripitons to determine potential holes in your application materials. 

When paired with your personal review and judgment (once again – a robot writes like a robot, and you should be reviewing all materials it produces), AI can be a helpful tool to stand out from the crowd as a job seeker.

All of the AI Learning Resources You’ll Want To Know About

Now that we’ve covered the burning questions, we can put AI into action. The following resources are great starting points to propel your AI journey and develop today’s most highly talked about skills.  

  • Futurepedia: As one of AI’s best-kept secrets, this wiki-like resource is the largest AI tools directory, updated daily with the latest and greatest AI resources
  • Metacademy: A FREE course to equip you with all that you need to know to begin your AI journey
  • Learn Prompting: An open-source course on generating highly effective AI prompts
  • PwC Global Workforce Report: A full rundown of insights on AI in the workplace for both leaders and individual contributors
  • LinkedIn: Learn from other professionals by following companies that post about AI, taking LinkedIn Learning courses, and engaging in conversations with your network

If you can dream up a use for AI, chances are that there is a resource available online to learn more about it. By starting with the tools above, you’ll be ready to dive into the endless uses of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace.

Your AI Checklist

The stage is set for AI in the workplace; now, it’s time to see for yourself what the buzz is all about! To optimize your digital world, be sure to check off the following steps.

  1. Determine your use case. This is the first and most important step and one that could even help you avoid legal implications down the road. By knowing your use case, you can determine if AI tools will add value to your project at hand. 
  2. Master the art of prompting to help your AI tools create effective and custom outputs. 
  3. Go straight to the source, and ask AI which questions or insights should be included in your prompts. 
  4. Act as a leader. Explain your AI need as you would to a coworker – outline the project objectives, audience, and all of the important details.
  5. Personalize your content, and then personalize some more. AI is a great starting point for content; however, most cases (if not all!) require a personalized, human spin.

By knowing the workarounds and best practices, you’ll be ready to scale your marketing and AI efforts in little time!

The Legal Considerations

As with all Marketing, Creative, and Digital projects, one thing is for certain: there are legal guidelines to follow when using AI resources in the workplace. 

Undoubtedly, our biggest piece of advice is to avoid AI for anything that you would like to copyright (in the present and future!). Things like taglines, mission statements, blog posts, and educational materials should be created without the help of AI. 

If you are questioning whether or not AI should be used on a project or initiative, always be sure to check with your employer or legal council for guidance.

Create Remarkable AI Experiences with Celarity

Whether you love it or you hate it – it appears AI is here for the longhaul. As professionals within the Marketing, Creative, and Digital fields, this poses many new opportunities, challenges, and areas for growth. 

If you’re looking for assistance along the way, Celarity is here, and our team would love to help! Reach out to us today and let’s continue the conversation on AI.

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