Is This a Good Culture Fit? 4 Tips to Help You Find Out

Business people having fun at the office.

“Culture, culture, culture!” It’s become a hot topic in the business world and especially in the marketing, creative, and tech fields. Company culture can help job seekers answer questions like, “Will I get along with my coworkers?” Or, “Is there a good work/life balance here?” And most importantly, “Can I see myself working here for the long-term and why?”

Think finding the right culture fit is overrated? Think again. First, let’s go over just a few of the reasons why achieving the right culture fit is so essential.

  1. You spend A LOT of time at work – even if your workplace has great work/life balance. Do you really want to spend your time at a company that doesn’t share your values and beliefs?
  2. Culture can provide you with a sense of identity, purpose, and belonging.
  3. Your career development and path may depend on the culture at your organization.

The case for culture is settled. So, how can you determine whether or not you’re the right fit for a firm when you’re on the job hunt? Here are 4 tips to help you find out:

Do Your Homework

Now is the time to start stalking the social media channels, websites, and site reviews of companies in which you’re planning to apply. As you go through the content, ask yourself questions like:

  • Is their website up-to-date and are there real company photos or videos available to look at?
  • How often do they post on social media and what type of content are they posting?
  • How many reviews does the company have on Glassdoor, Indeed, Google, or other sites? Are they good/bad and who is posting the reviews?
  • Do the resources available to you give you any insight into what the company culture might look like?
  • Has the company won any awards recently?

Catch the Office Vibes & Watch for Clues

Before you enter the interview room, you’ll want to start looking for clues into the organization’s culture.

  • How were you greeted at the front?
  • Are people interacting with one another? If so, how are they interacting?
  • Is there music or is it quiet?
  • Are there any posters, artwork, or other hints around the office that you can catch?

At the Interview, Ask Questions

Of course, you should always ask specifically about the company culture. It will show your interest in ensuring that the role and company are a good fit and give them reassurance that these things are important to you as well. You can ask things like:

  • Can you describe the culture here to me?
  • What do you personally enjoy about working here?
  • What type of person do you think will do well on your team?

Another way to gain some critical insight is to dig into the job description. Ask them what characteristics they’re looking for when they use a term like “team player” or what they mean by “flexible schedule.” And, if you have multiple interviewers in the same room, watch how they interact with each other because it can reveal how they work together on a daily basis.

Assess Their Hiring Process

You may think that a firm’s hiring process has nothing to do with culture but it can actually reveal a lot about an organization and how they work internally. However, it’s important to keep in mind that larger companies and corporations don’t always have control over their hiring processes and therefore, may not be a good indicator of culture. But, if you’re applying to a small company and even some mid-sized firms, how you’re treated during the hiring process can help you reflect on your overall experience.

Looking for more job seeker tips and career advice? Check out our other posts on the Celarity Blog!

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