Growing Pains: How to Overcome 4 Business Challenges You’re Facing

Everyday struggles can be magnified or reduced.

As businesses continue to adapt to economic and technological changes, unforeseen obstacles can cause decreased mental energy and exaggerated stress levels.

If your business is experiencing some growing pains, finding ways to combat everyday challenges can be a daunting task.

These challenges can be great for showcasing your problem-solving skills, but they’re also times when your true colors shine through. How you approach these trials often defines your personality and how your employees and customers view your business.

Don’t be taken down — check out these common business challenges and how to overcome them.


Communication is vital. When employees begin to feel like internal communication is being put on the back burner, they may feel disconnected from the company or even unappreciated. If growing pains are common in your workplace, it can be difficult to keep track of employees and ensure they have the ability and initiative to communicate with their colleagues.

Take the time to get to know your employees so you can better understand their needs and desires. Simple conversations — regarding work or their personal life — will help them feel more connected and willing to communicate on a regular basis. Sending a timely newsletter is another way to keep employees engaged, especially when face-to-face meetings are difficult. They’ll be glad you want to share information and make sure they’re kept in the loop on news and events.


Company growth is great, but it could also contribute to employee frustration or stress. The bulk of employees you’ve hired have likely taken on more work since they started, and though they may be within their capacity, it’s important to realize when they’re feeling overworked and facing business challenges.

Frequently open communication to your staff so they feel they can address any concerns with their workload. If issues arise, it may be time to hire a new face. When bringing on another employee isn’t an option, help employees prioritize tasks so they can efficiently do their jobs.

Retaining customers

How many competitors offer similar services or products to yours? Probably quite a few. When customers are constantly bombarded with lower prices and more options, it can be tough to penetrate a competitive environment and gain consumer loyalty.

Differentiate your business by making your customers feel a member of your inner circle. Whether it’s superb customer service or another unique perk, it’s important to discover ways to gain customer loyalty.

Finding the right people

Employees are the heart of your business. Their output depends largely on how the business treats them and how much value they feel they’re receiving. When they’re happy, your customers are likely happy, too. But how do you attract and retain the right people?

When there’s so much competition to attract talented employees, it can be tough to retain a respectable staff. Now more than ever, talented individuals are entering the workplace at a rapid rate. They’re looking for the benefits and the perks, but they’re also probably looking for a place that puts high value on work culture and employee happiness. You can’t control what others are doing, but you can implement certain benefits and a positive working environment on top of the features that set your company apart.

Are you struggling to find the right people and facing business challenges? Celarity has been placing individuals in marketing, creative and IT roles for over 20 years. We’ve worked with over 500 Twin Cities companies and value the relationships we build with candidates and clients. Contact us today to learn more, and use the Celarity Scoop as a resource for great content and events in the Twin Cities.

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