How to Bounce Back After a Layoff

Let’s be honest. Experiencing a layoff is no walk in the park. It can leave you feeling stressed, upset, and confused about the future of your career.

While we know it may be difficult to stay positive during this time, if you approach getting laid off as an opportunity to be mindful and assess your career goals, the change could be all for the better. To find success after a layoff, here is a list of our recommended steps to take.

Check In On Yourself

Being laid off can leave you feeling down and defeated. For this reason, it’s vital that the first step after a layoff is to check in on yourself. We recommend taking note of how you are feeling regarding this transition, prioritizing your well-being, surrounding yourself with the things that you love, and understanding that resources for help are available. You are not alone!

Strategize, Strategize, Strategize!

Once you’ve had an opportunity to reflect on your own well-being and are ready to begin your job search, we recommend strategizing your next steps. Think about the following:

  • What kinds of roles interest me, and how do my skills factor into those roles?
  • What does my ideal salary range look like to support my financial goals?
  • What are my top values? Do I know of any companies that align with those values? 
  • Is there anyone in my network that would be able to help me with the job searching process, such as a mentor or recruiter?

Once you’ve determined the answers to these questions, you will be able to begin your job search with a focused end goal in mind, saving you precious time and resources. This will also help you identify which jobs are worth applying for based on how they align with your goals.

Take Advantage of Networking Opportunities on LinkedIn

After you’ve reflected on yourself and your goals for the future, the next step we recommend is to begin utilizing LinkedIn. With more than 850 million members in over 200 countries and territories worldwide, the opportunities on LinkedIn are truly endless. The following are great ways to get started with networking on LinkedIn:

  • Update your profile to ensure all information is relevant and up-to-date
  • Craft an “About” section on your profile that speaks to your abilities and expertise 
  • Connect and engage with others in your industry or desired roles
  • Create posts that display your knowledge, using industry and role-specific keywords 
  • Set your profile as “Open To Work” so that recruiters and hiring managers can easily find you

We also recommend letting your network know that you are open to work. You may be surprised at the connections that can arise solely from your network!

Don’t Burn Bridges

Adding negativity to an already stressful environment could limit your potential job connections. Burning bridges won’t get you the good recommendations you need in your job search and could harm your future opportunities. Remember, today’s coworker could be tomorrow’s employer!

Begin Applying

You organized your thoughts, took some time for yourself, and strategized your job search. Now it’s time to start applying! Remember to take your time with each application, fine-tuning it to be cohesive with what the job description says.

Not sure where to start? Try LinkedIn and/or Glassdoor, where you can see how companies are rated by their employees.

Believe in Yourself!

Being laid off is not a reflection of the person or employee that you are. Believe in your abilities and you will succeed! 

No employee wants to experience a layoff, but the sooner you pick yourself back up and start being proactive, the faster you’ll be on the path toward success.

If you would like support in finding your next role, Celarity is here to help. Please contact us today to be connected with one of our expert recruiters or check out our regularly updated Job Opportunities page here!

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