One of the best parts about working in the marketing, creative and interactive industry is how tight-knit the community is. Local organizations and groups are for people at every level to learn about the industry and connect with other passionate professionals. Lucky for us, Minneapolis has some of the most educated and organized groups to get involved with.
Every week there are awesome networking, educational and interactive events for you to learn, connect and establish a presence in your industry. Below are some of the top groups in the Minneapolis area, get out there and start learning!

AMA (American Marketing Association) is a national association and the Minnesota chapter has monthly events geared towards general marketing professionals. From speed networking to the annual conference with well-known keynote speakers, MNAMA provides a wide range of events for traditional marketers as well as agency types. AMA events are available to both members and non-members.
The Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association was founded in 1998 and has grown to over 1,300 members today. MIMA is the top interactive association in the state with members from agencies, freelancers and corporations. If you’re in the interactive space, MIMA would be an essential group to add to your list. Most events are educational sessions with networking and social events mixed in throughout the year.
The Advertising Federation of Minnesota is known for their expertise in the advertising and agency world. There are monthly educational events as well as a yearly golf tournament, design show and a media auction. Members are typically agency employees and events range from networking at local breweries to topics like loyalty marketing and media planning. AdFed also has a subgroup called Ad2 which is focused on members 32 years of age and younger.

“AIGA Minnesota is the first place to turn for inspiration, professional development and excellence in design in Minnesota.” AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) aims to advance the careers and knowledge of local designers and creatives. They offer educational programs, competitions, shows and professional opportunities to network with fellow design professionals.
The International Association of Business Communicators focuses on business communications professionals. They provide events for communicators at any level of their career. From Twin’s games to personal branding workshops this group provides a wide variety of events related to communications.
While most groups in Minneapolis are dedicated to digital marketing, MnSearch is devoted specifically to search marketing in Minnesota. Formed by some of the most respected search marketers in the area, these events are a go-to for anyone involved with SEO, PPC or search engine marketing.
All of these groups invite non-members to join most of their events but it might cost slightly more than a member. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned professional, a little learning and networking never hurt anyone’s career! Bookmark our Scoop Calendar and sign up for our newsletter to stay on top of the local events.