Interview Prep Checklist

So, you’ve got an interview scheduled, now what? One thing countless job seekers are repeatedly guilty of is showing up to an interview unprepared. If you haven’t completely prepared yourself, how can you expect to get the job?

Hiring managers expect potential candidates to have all their bases covered before showing up to the interview, and if you’re caught unprepared, you can expect to lose that opportunity. There are several facets of interview prep from collecting references to company research, how do you ensure you’re fully prepared? We’ve created a 9 step interview prep checklist to keep you on the right track:

  1. Research the company
      • Who you’re interviewing with
      • What the company does
      • Recent news on the company
      • Their history
  2. Know the role
      • Specific requirements in job description
      • Daily tasks and responsibilities
      • Match your skills with what they’re looking for
  3. Prepare references
      • Notify your references that they may be receiving a call
      • Gather accurate contact information
  4. Interview practice
      • Practice common interview questions
      • Be able to clearly speak about your experience
      • Conduct practice interviews with another person
  5. Be aware
      • Know what kind of interview you’re walking into
      • Find out how many people you’ll be interviewing with
      • Ask if there are any special documents/samples you need to bring with
  6. Perfect your resume
      • Have someone proofread it
      • Tailor resume to match the position you’re interviewing for
      • Bring several copies
  7. Develop a list of questions
      • Have questions prepared regarding the role itself as well as the company to ask the hiring manager
  8. Look the part
      • Your interview attire should be professional, unless noted otherwise by the interviewer.
      • Have your resume, portfolio, samples, etc. prepared in a professional way. Not just a stack of papers.
  9. Plan ahead
      • Look up directions to your interview site
      • Give yourself more than enough time to arrive on schedule

Once you’ve checked off all 9, you’re ready to go! If you’re ready to put this checklist to work, check out our current openings and apply today!


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