LinkedIn Tips for Jobseekers

LinkedIn has become one of the most popular tools for job seekers and hiring managers. Recruiters are scouring LinkedIn for their perfect candidate and job seekers are making important connections by optimizing their presence on the professional network. It has become an essential tool for both parties and one of the most effective ways to ramp up your job search. If you’re not using LinkedIn to it’s fullest potential, you’ll be in the dust of job seekers who are.

Your profile is the most important part of using LinkedIn properly. You want to think like a recruiter, how would someone discover your profile? What words need to be included in your profile? What are your responsibilities and skills that define your job? Your profile should read as your resume so that anyone can tell exactly what you’ve done and what you’re skills are.  Treat it like an SEO challenge, you want to be the first result when a hiring manager searches for someone in your field. Also, make sure your picture and the content on your profile is professional.

Don’t leave your headline blank, ever! Just like your profile, optimization for LinkedIn’s search results is extremely important. If you have a title at your company that is uncommon you should include your legal title/more common title or skills. Make sure that your headline reflects what you do and is also a searchable title.

Groups increase your network and people you are able to connect with. Look for industry or job specific groups. Within groups there are often discussion topics as well as job opportunities that aren’t open to every LinkedIn member. Some local MN groups for marketing/interactive professionals are:

LinkedIn is not a place to be a wallflower. Be seen as an industry expert by posting blogs or relevant news. This will get you noticed and allow your network to see you are active and involved in your industry. Also, don’t be afraid to send messages to connect for informational meetings, advice or just to catch up, that’s what social networking is for. Hiding behind your computer won’t get you the job, so make sure you’re active on LinkedIn!

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