The Do’s and Don’ts of Job Searching While Employed

If you’ve decided it’s time for a new job and you’re currently employed, finding your next job can be a tricky process. Setting up interviews, finding time to do the searching, it’s a lot of work on top of already having a job. Typically, you also want to keep the fact that you’re looking for a job under the radar if you’re currently employed. If a manager or co-worker learns that you are interviewing and applying other places, it usually won’t end well! So, how do you perform an efficient and effective job search while you still have your current job? Here are a few tips to help you succeed:

Have a plan
Once you decide to start your job search, set aside time to come up with a real concrete plan. If you create a list of potential companies, job titles and a plan of attack you’ll be much more organized and successful. Make sure you allocate time outside of your job to put effort into the search if you’re serious about it. To help you with your plan you can set up job alerts on sites like, as well as bookmarking any job boards that pertain to your search.

Be prepared for anything
Once you start applying to jobs, you never know when you’ll get asked for an interview. Have your resume prepped, your references in line and any other material ready on the spot. If you need to compile samples or your portfolio, do this at the beginning of your job search.

Stay under the radar
As tempting as it is to tell your coworkers or connections that you’re looking for a new job, sharing this information while you’re employed isn’t the best idea. If your employer discovered you were looking elsewhere, you could risk losing your current job and be stuck unemployed. Obviously you will have to reach out to some of your connections in the job search to set up informational interviews but make sure to ask these people to keep your search private.

Don’t slack
Simply because you’ve decided you need a new job doesn’t mean you can give up on your current one. While a new job is your new goal, your full focus should be on your current job. You still want to maintain a good relationship with your current employer and if you slack in the last few weeks or months of employment, this can taint that relationship.

Keep it out of the office
Conduct your job search entirely outside of your current office and never use your work email. Applying to jobs or searching on job boards at work may seem tempting but if you’re employer was ever suspicious of your activity, they could easily find out if you’re looking for a new job on their time. You also want to respect your current employer enough to not use your work day to find a new job. Make time outside of work, go to a coffee shop or library in your free time.

In the midst of a job search? Check out our current jobs and apply today…when you’re not at work 🙂 !


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