Tips for Hiring a Community Manager

Social media’s rapid invasion of every industry has created the need for a new and unique position. Community Managers, also known as Social Media Managers, are responsible for the strategy and management of your organization’s social presence. This is a tricky position to fill because of how new social media is.  There aren’t many candidates with the breadth of experience many companies are looking for.

There are currently over 2,500 social media and community management positions open on So, how do you spot the right community manager and where do you find them if they’re a rare commodity? Here are some tips on where to look and what to look for in your future social manager:

What to look for:

  • Expertise and credibility. Many of the skills required in a Community Manager are relatively new and hard to find. You may not be able to evaluate them on the skills you’re looking for, but these skills can be learned if you find the right candidate.  You want to evaluate the person’s professional credibility in your industry. How is their personal online presence? Are they presenting themselves the way you’d like them to do with your organization?
  • Passion. This is one of the most important characteristics of a person dealing with a time-sensitive, time-consuming and people-facing position. A candidate who loves to interact and is passionate about social media in their personal life as well as professional is important.
  • Strategic thinking. Community management isn’t just tweeting and liking; it’s a strategic effort meant to represent your organization. A good Community Manager will have experience with digital strategy and be able to engage your customers and clients.

Where to look:

  • Specific fields.  Since Social Media is so new, it’s very rare that you’ll find a Community Manager with more than a couple years of experience. So, looking to their current career and industry is helpful. People-facing and public roles that are generally strategic are great choices. Candidates who are currently involved in PR, strategic marketing, journalism or campaign managers are ideal.
  • Social Networks. Obviously, your next Community Manager will have to be social savvy. The best way to discover these individuals is to search different social networks for engaging, knowledgeable and respected people. Community Managers have to have some previous experience on social networks and the best way to evaluate their abilities is through their own social presence.

Looking for some help hiring a Community Manager? Connect with us today, we’d love to talk to you!

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