The holidays are a time to relax and spend quality time with relatives and eat a few too many cookies. But for job seekers, this is also the perfect time to ramp up your networking and kick your job search into gear!
While companies may have some vacation days and down time, lots of people are out and about mingling and networking. This time of year also allows for a great opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues, which is an essential part of any job search. Here are a few ways to keep your job search going over the holidays and strengthen your network.
The holiday season is a great time to reconnect with those that you may have lost touch with over the years. Get in touch with old connections, schedule meetings, call them up or even send a simple holiday greeting card. Reaching out to former co-workers, past managers and other contacts and re-establishing your connection with these people not only expands your network during your job search but allows you to let more people know that you’re looking for a new job.
Be Prepared
If you’re still applying to jobs throughout the holidays, companies may move a bit faster around the holidays due to busy schedules or vacations within the company. Also, there may be many instances where interviews are scheduled for after the 1st of the year or immediately. Either way, you should be prepared for an interview with your resume, research about the company, etc., whenever the hiring managers are ready to move forward with you.
Attend Holiday Events
Networking is a crucial part of any job search and throughout the month of December most companies and organizations host holiday parties and other types of holiday networking events. These events are most often more of a way to meet and mingle with people rather than an educational event which is great for job seekers.
In Minneapolis alone there are holiday parties for almost every marketing, creative and interactive association as well as “open-house” parties at several companies. These events are a perfect opportunity to meet people in a fun atmosphere and expand your network. Check out the Scoop Calendar and get a head start on your job search this holiday season.
Also, check out our openings in marketing, creative and interactive and send us your resume today!