5 Tools to Help Manage Your Social Media Marketing

If you work in or are involved in social media, you know how complicated and overwhelming it can be to juggle 5+ different social networks in a day.  It’s tough to stay on top of everything-especially without any help! Thankfully, there are many social media management tools that can help you get your social communities under control.  Whip your social media channels into shape and check out these 5 social media management tools!

1. Hootsuite is the most widely-used social media management tool. Hootsuite allows you to manage (post, monitor, analyze) multiple social accounts across different networks such as Twitter and Facebook. You can schedule posts, pull analytics and also implement conversion tracking. Additionally, there can be multiple users; if you have a large team this is a great way to collaborate across your team or department.  This tool is very streamlined and incredibly easy to organize.

2. Sprout Social is another popular tool for community managers. This tool has similar capabilities to Hootsuite.  You can post, manage and analyze through the dashboard but according to reviews, Sprout Social’s analytics and reporting tools are much more in-depth than Hootsuite’s and the interface is easy to use.

3. Tweetdeck is the tool for you if you’re big into Twitter. This tool is great if you’re managing a large account with an overwhelming amount of followers/interactions. You can create multiple streams and filters based on what you care about and are most interested in.

4. Buffer allows you to create posts, publish multiple posts at once on different social channels and keep track of your mentions/interactions. Buffer also allows you to stagger content throughout the day so that you can schedule posts for what works best in your social communities.

5. SocialOomph allows you to streamline your social media posting and keep track of your interactions across platforms. You can track keywords, install auto-follow on Twitter and also find more people to follow and interact with. The one bonus to SocialOomph is that other social media management tools will charge you for additional accounts, this platform gives you unlimited accounts no matter what!

What’s your favorite social media management tool?

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