How to Attract Candidates Who Will Become Long-Term Employees: Part II

Male hiring manager interviewing a potential long-term employee

In part I of, “How to Attract Candidates Who Will Become Long-Term Employees,” we gave our best tips for what to share in job descriptions along with alternate ideas for finding top candidates. In this post, Celarity will share some more hiring for retention insights regarding the topics surrounding interviewing and making the hire. Let’s dive in!

Interviewing potential long-term employees…

Include current employees

Feeling good about a candidate? Consider bringing in your team to meet them. Not only will your team be able to weigh in on the candidate, but your candidate will also get a preview of your team dynamic. And, the candidate can hear directly from employees about why it’s a great place to work and get any questions they may have answered from someone who works under management daily. It may even sway their decision on working for you instead of a competitor.

Don’t forget about the process

If you don’t have a professional, streamlined hiring method, you’ve got some work to do! Candidates should know where they stand throughout your process. You may lose a star candidate if you’re too slow to request an interview or offer them the position.

And, remember, you’re a candidate, too. Ensure you’re open and honest throughout the process regarding your candidate’s questions. After all, a newly-hired employee won’t end up staying long if they find out that they’ve accepted the role under false pretenses.

Talk about the future

According to Gallup, only 22% of employees strongly agree that the leadership of their organization has a clear direction for the organization. So, it can be expected that potential employees want to know the business objectives leading to a larger company vision. Having that information can have a huge impact on how potential employees view the firm.

In addition, Gallup reports that 87% of millennials and 69% of non-millennials rate “professional or career growth and development opportunities” as important to them in a job. So, make sure you discuss how the future of the company and the future of the candidate can impact each other.

Making the hire…

Hire more for potential than for current skills sets

Your company may look entirely different in 5 years. Think about whether or not the candidate has the potential to grow with your team, while still meeting the requirements of today. Appraise their coachability, desire to continuously learn, and their capacity for future leadership. Don’t overlook any other talents or skills a candidate may possess – it can add more value to your team in the long run.

Make a fair offer from the start

You’ll never want to lowball a potential long-term employees – especially if you really want them to work for you. So, ensure that you have done your research and know the current market rates for the role you’re hiring. Then, determine a salary range and present what you think is fair. Remember to keep what matters most to the candidate in mind. And, always make sure you know your limits and have a “best and final” offer prepared.

Add a little something extra

Doesn’t everyone like a little surprise factor? If your candidate accepts, you should aim to please them. Arm them with some company swag. Or, take them to lunch on their first day. Whatever you do, make sure their first interaction as a new hire is a positive one.

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