Executive Recruiting

A Proven Process

Struggling with a confidential search for a very important hire? Our executive recruiters can help.

Our proven executive recruiting process will result in finding the top talent for your company.

An important hire requires time, care, attention to detail and expertise. Celarity has 30+ years of delivering results as executive recruiters with 1,000’s of success stories. Put your hire in our hands, the most experienced and trusted ones around.

We are successful by sticking to a thorough and disciplined recruiting process. Our clients love our tech-savvy but old-fashioned relationship approach. We make our clients excel for the long-term by focusing on how the role impacts their company. Our 5-year guarantee, an industry best, ensures we are as invested after the hire as you are.

Positions We Staff

Click on any position below and see a typical description of that role!

  • Marketing Recruiting Marketing
  • Creative Recruiting Creative
  • Digital Recruiting Digital
  • Human Resources Recruiting Human Resources
  • Accounting & Finance Recruiting Accounting & Finance
  • Operations Recruiting Operations

Human Resources - Click a title below for the job description, salary information, and more.

Looking to hire one of these positions?

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Accounting & Finance - Click a title below for the job description, salary information, and more.

Looking to hire one of these positions?

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Operations - Click a title below for the job description, salary information, and more.

Looking to hire one of these positions?

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What to Expect

We do the hard work to get you the right candidate.


We get to know your company vision and goals. Our unique work style assessment tool helps us to understand your values. It is also a tool for you to use in interviews to ensure a match.

Team Search

We build out an innovative marketing campaign including referrals and our database. We then build out a list from our industry data tools. On average, we will call and connect with over 400 targeted passive candidates.

In-depth Screening

Out of the 400 candidates, we present a shortlist of 2-4. They are Phone-screened, interviewed face-to-face, and references checked. This final list of candidates is truly interested in your specific opportunity.

Follow Up

After you hire our candidate, we check-in regularly with you to ensure that the work is going well. You’ll get peace of mind with our 5-year replacement guarantee.

What You Get

Exclusive Resources

Our proprietary 45k+ database with a team of Sourcing Specialists and Executive Recruiters. They use a custom, tech-savvy but relationship-focused approach to reaching talent.


An assessment tool that will help you define the Work Style best for your team. Plus, custom interview questions to help you hire candidates that match your values.


Insights we’ve gathered from the talent that works at your competitors’ workplace, including salary guidance.

Faster Hiring

A hiring process that’s 50% faster than average. Celarity’s average time-to-offer is 20 days, compared to the national average of 42 days.


Access to 70% of the candidate market that is passive and not applying to job postings.


Expert consultation at any time to help you define roles and team needs.

“I had the opportunity to work with Celarity to move from agency marketing to a client-side marketing leadership role. The role was a perfect fit for my experience, background, and growth objectives. The team at Celarity was great in helping me to prepare for my interviews, sharing post-interview feedback, and ensuring a smooth transition into my role. Celarity is now my go-to recruiting agency for all things marketing.”

Kelli, Wilson Tool International

Get Hired!

Meet Connor!

Our Sr. Client Experience Manager.

Search Fees

Retained search fees are most appropriate for Executive/Leadership level positions. It ensures your search is handled with care, attention, and sensitivity. The market is small for top leaders so this shared risk model ensures your brand is protected. We can do contingent search options depending on the situation.

Our retained search fee is a shared-risk approach.

Factors affecting the retained search fee.

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